Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Student Interviews

I have a Kindergarten classroom so the students I interviewed didn't have much to say.

Struggling student = (SS)      High Performing Student = (HPS)

•Do you enjoy school?
(SS): Yes
(HPS): Yes

•What kind of student are you?
(SS): Good
(HPS): I am a good student.

•What do for fun outside of school?
(SS): Go to the slide and play with friends
(HPS): I pass football with my dad.

•How would your classmates describe you?
(SS): Good friend
(HPS): Fun

•Who are you friends with? What do you and your friends do together?
(SS): Morgan and Haley, Play on the playground.
(HPS): Nicholas, Sam, and Matthew, We play tag, play with cars, and chase kids.

•Tell me a good memory you have about school?
(SS): Playing
(HPS): Coloring

•Tell me a bad memory you have about school?
(SS): None
(HPS): I don't have one.

•Describe a "good" teacher or tell me about a favorite teacher you had in the past.
(SS): Someone who is fun
(HPS): Letting us play outside

•What is one thing you wish your teacher knew about you?
(SS): My name
(HPS):Where I live

It was really hard to get any answers out of the struggling student. I had to ask each question more than once before she would answer because of her attention problem. The high performing student acted very nervous and said he wanted to answer everything right even when I told him that there was no right or wrong answers.

1 comment:

  1. Good job with these interviews!

    It's interesting how quickly kids pick up on the "testing culture" of school.
