Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Double Entry Journal #8

1. What is the main challenges being addressed in the book?
  • The new ways with words
  • The academic laguage or "jargon"
  • Connecting school language and home language

2. What does the author mean by the phrase "ways with words"?
  • He is trying to say the way in which you use your words is important. The way you talk or write has an affect on your aduiance and what kind of audiance you will attract.

3. What is the core argument being made by the author of this book?
  • That we need to coneect our ways with words to the modern word that our students are living in.

4. Give an example of a specialized variety of a language or "way with words" you have learned outside of school?
  • I learned the farming ways with words. For example most people would not know that a goose neck is what we called a trailer.

5. According to the author, how do people learn a specialized variety of a language or "way with words" best?
  • They learn it best by actually beinging involved is something that has a specific way with words. For example, belonging to a certain discourse community.

6. If people are to be successful in the 21st century, what must they become?
  • Specially designed spaces (physical and virtual) constructed to resource people tied together (Gee, 2004)
7. The author states that learning academic language is NOT sufficient for success in modern society? Do you agree? Why or Why not?
  • Yes I do agree because academic language is becoming a thing of the past. More people are starting to use their own language they are learning from this discourse communities and they use those words to communicat now.

8. What do you think about this author's "way with words"?
  • To be honest I think that the introduction was kind of hard to follow. I had a hard time comprehending what she was trying to say. Her "way with words" was very different than I am use to.

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