Monday, October 22, 2012

DoubleEntry Journal #9

Chapter 1: A strange fact about not learning to read.

1. What is the strange fact about not learning to read?

That we are in a "reading crisis" and  a lot of children are not learning to read well enough. Traditionalists say its because thes students do not get enough phonics instruction. Also poor and minority groups are the main studentsthat struggle with reading

2. Why is this fact so strange?

The people from poor and minoruty groups believe that they hve to be unaffiliated with the school for many reasons.

3. What is it about school that manages to transform children who at good at learning things like Pokeman into children who are not good a learning?

Students learn Pokeman easily because it is something that they are interested in and they do it outside of the school setting.

4. What is the differences between a traditionalists approach to learning to read and more progressive educators?

A traditionalist approach to teaching deals with the overt instruction from the teacher. The students will listen to the teacher and that is how they will learn. The progressive educators believe we should let students experiement and let them learn on their own through exploration.

5. Is learning to read a natural process like learning to speak a language?

The book says no but I believe that if a child is exsposed to reading at an early age at home then reading can be a natural process for some students.

6. What is the differences between natural, instructed and cultural processes and which process should reading be classified under?

A natural process is when a child is exposed to the right sort of imput and enviornment. For example when a child learns to walk or talk. Instructed process is when something is taught to a child by overt instruction. For example mathematics and physics. Cultural process is something a child learns that is important to their culture. For example in some cultures women are made to learn how to cook. Like I said before if a student is exposed to a reading enviornment at a young age then it could be a natural process but if a child is not exposed to a reading enviornment then the process for learning to read would be instructed for that child.

7. How do humans learn best? Through instructional processes or through cultural processes? How is reading taught in school?

Humans learn best through the cultural process because instruction is a less efficent process.Reading is taught by the instructional process in school so that may be why we are in a "reading crisis".

8. According to the author, what is the reason for the "fourth grad slump."

The fourth grade is when you have to start reading on standardized test and since students struggle with reading they do bad on this portion of the test.

9. What is a better predictor of reading success than phonemic awareness?

If students know the meaning and structure to language. If they know these things then they will also aquire good phonemic awareness skills.

10. What is the difference between "vernacular" and "specialist" varieties of language? Give an example of two sentences, one written in the vernacular and one written in a "a specialized variety", about a topic in your content area.

Vernacular varieties of language are in the native dialect of a specific population or group of people. Specialized varieties of language is language connected to learning or a specific content area.
  • Vernacular Sentence: The farmer used a tedder to rake their hay.
  • Specialized Sentence: The word ray in mathematics is different from the word ray that comes from the sun.
11. What is "early language ability" and how is it developed?

Early language ability is the ability to read and have phonimic awarness at a very early age. These in vocabulary, the ability to recall and comprehend sentences and stories, and the ability to engage in connected verbal interactions on a single topic. and  It is develeoped through family, school, and community language enviornments where children interact a lot with adults and very advanced peers where they are ingaged in challenging talk and texts in many genres of oral and written language.

12. According to the author why and how does the traditionalist approach to teaching children to read fail?

Most student start learning academic language and home but if a child has never been exposed to academic language it is not started for them at school. They just teach students to read through phonics and mostl through vernacular words.

13. Are parents of poor children to blame for their children's inexperience with specialized varieties of language before coming to school?

Yes and no. If the parents are poor they don't have a lot of resources to help their children before they enter school. Although they should talk to their students about specialized varieties of language so that they will be exposed to it before they enter school.

14. Did you struggle with reading this text? Why? Are you a poor reader or are you unfamiliar with this variety of specialized language?

No I read this chapter just fine. I thought it was a lot easier to read than the introduction.

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