Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Double Entry Journal #3

Educational Learning Theories:
Bolima, D. (n.d.). Contexts for understanding: Educational learning theories. Retrieved from

 Adolescent Literacy by National Council of Teacher for English

Reading instruction in the elementary school is very vital. If students are taught good reading skills and habbits it will carry on with them throughout their entire life. If students enjoy reading and can read well they will be good students in high school.

Reading test scores are good to see how well students are at reading and if they are progressing. Many test scores are used to see if a student is ready to move on to the next level or if they still need to remain where they are.

The reality to the myth of if a student struggles with one literacy they will have dificult with all literacies got me to thinking. I hope to remember this statement becasue every student has things they like and are good at. If you are working on reading and I student can't read out of the textbook then give them another potion that might be easier or interests them more.

Every content area teacher is responsible for teaching reading comprehension. Most teachers think that that is only the reading teachers job but that is not true. For example in science the teacher needs to teach the students how to decode what they are reading so they will understand what they are actually reading. Also in science things can mean different things as well other than what the child originally thought it ment.

In school we only read out of a textbook. We never used computers, magazines, or newspapers to help with our literacy. In everyday life we don't come in contact with textbooks that oftem but we do come in contact with technology, magazines, and newspapers on an almost daily basis.

One good example of literacy practice is selecting the right text for your students. Make sure it's not to hard where they will get frustrated and not try. Also don't make it so easy that they don't benifit from the reading at all.

A discourse community is is a form of communication that means everyone has something in common in the communication community. For example if you are a part of a certain persons fan club that is considered a discourse community.

If a students valuable multiple literices are not found valuable in school this may make the student not try or give up. We need to encourage not discourage our students.

To build on a students extracurricular literacy practices tell the students they can go home and write about anything they want to. They need to to it in a space that is quiet and that they can freely express themselves in their writing.

In 5th grade my teacher used the student choice motivation strategy. We good to choose a lot of what we wanted to read when we had to read individually and it really motivated me and I actually wanted to read.

I mostly saw my teachers in high school engage in multicultural literacy development. We learned about many culturtes during this time period.

Teachers that are good at teaching literacy gain recognition from their peers. A good literacy teacher uses critical thinking skills, adress diverse needs of their students, develop solid knowledge of literacy instruction, and other outstanding qualitys.

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