Sunday, August 26, 2012

Double Entry Journal #2 (Tall Tales of Appalachia)

"If a television network proposed a ''real life'' show treating poor African-Americans, Latinos, American Indians, Asians or Jews as curiosities, they, and all Americans of good will, would be justifiably outraged."

I agree with this quote that I pulled out of the passage. Any american should be outraged at any tv show that shows any short of prejudice toward any group of people. They think that we are uneducated and will not realize that they are making fun of us. To me that is being prejudice toward people that are from Appalachia. I am glad that the last paragraph talkes about the Appalachia people are becoming outraged and starting to stick up for themselves.

O'Brien, J. (2003, May 10). Tall tales of appalachia. Retrieved from

Other Source:

I really enjoyed listening to this video because I could really identify with it. I have been asked where I was from because of the way I talk and then I know they judge me when I tell them I am from WV. I really liked how he got insight from two different resources, one that was from WV and one from someone outside of WV as well.

Resource: (Producer) (2009). Sterotypes of appalachia [Web]. Retrieved from


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