Sunday, September 16, 2012

Double Entry Journal #5

Reverent listening is when you respectfully listen to what a person has to say. Reverent listening should be used by every teacher who wants to use culturally responsive teaching in their classroom. If teachers respectfully listen to what their students have to say they will learn about the cultures and the backgrounds of their students. This will allow the teacher to learn more about their students and help mold instruction around the cultures and the backgrounds of the students in their class.

"Reverent listening is not to be confused with humiliation and domination by others who force us to listen, and even less so, with the kind of incompetence that wants to be told what to do." This quote applies to a lot of teahers today. They force students to listen of forcefully tell their students what to do. This attitude by the teacher forces students to not listen and makes them tune the teacher out. For example, in 4th grade I had a teacher that made us listen to her all day long and we never really got to talk in class. I never wanted to go to school because our classroom enviornment wasn't welcoming and I felt like I had no say. I never want to make my students feel that way that I felt in my 4th grade classroom. I want my students feel like I listen to them and care about what they have to say.

This artical uses the phrase a "laundry list of value ethics". To me this phrase means that someone has a long list of values ordered in degree of importance. Teachers more than likely will teach their values and culture to the class and not touch on the values or cultures of the other students. This is an exapmle of a teacher being non-culturally responsive because they don't teacher others values and cultures, just their own.

I had an amazing 2nd grade teacher. She was a reverent teacher and really cared for her students. She always gave the students a voice in the classroom and was always there to listen to her students. She always made you feel important and very special. I felt very comfortable in her classroom and it was one of my favorite years all throughout school.

Today there are many schools that have a "toxic" school enviornment. If teachers don't listen to to thier students or give them a voice in the classroom it creates a bad school enviornment. Teachers need to listen to what their students have to say and allow them to talk during instruction so they feel a sense of belonging to the class. Also teachers need to represent a sense of respect in the classroom between teachers and students as well as the teacher respecting the studnets.

"Reverent listening in teaching involves respect." I really liked this quote from the article. In order to reall listen to your students and care about what they have to say they need to respect their students as human beings. In my philosophy of education I never mentioned listening to my students so this quote will change my philosophy because I know see how important it is to listen to your students and give them a voice in the classroom.
I found a video on establishing classroom routines on YouTube. It is very important to have routines within your classroom especially when you have a younger classroom.

HepburnsHelfulHints. (Performer) (2012). Establishing classroom routines [Web]. Retrieved from

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